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    Property Moves


    Terraces at Southaven is nearing the end of their rebranding. The signage should be going up in mid-July, and some of the other renovations should be completed soon.  The leasing office looks amazing, while the playground, picnic area and game room have also seen an upgrade.  Pool furniture and fitness equipment will arrive soon and the rest of the renovations should be completed soon.




    The rebranding of Merchant’s Court to TEN68 West is also coming together nicely.  Along with landscaping and pool renovations to include several pergolas and a wonderful grilling area, the property recently installed a sports court in the center of campus. There are many children that live at TEN68 West, so having a multi-use area for them was a must.  Below are some work in progress pictures, so make sure to catch next quarter’s newsletter for the finished product!





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